Wednesday 22 January 2014

Work From Home Selling Gadgets Online

you know we share a passion for gadgets. From mobiles to PC’s, we consistently update you with news and reviews on the latest technology to reach us. But today we’re going to present you with something a little different, and show you a unique way to work from home, selling gadgets online.
For the beginners, I’m going to dive in at entry level, and explain exactly how it works. You see Amazon, eBay, and even all of the leading online retailers selling electronics have an affiliate platform. This simply means they allow people to make money from sales generated. So in a nutshell, if you recommended me to buy the iPhone 5s through your affiliate link and I purchased it, you’d make a percentage of the sale.
Now there’s the obvious issue of how to get targeted visitors to buy gadgets through your affiliate link, but this is why this post was created.
You’ve obviously used Google before right? To search for something you were looking to buy or get a review on? Now imagine if you could create a small blog, and get your blog ranking 1st for a phrase that users searched to buy something? You’d get a lot of visitors, and you’d make a lot of sales through your affiliate link.
Sales through your affiliate link, means commission for you, leading to money in your account. It’s a simple process.
Now lets say you created a small blog based around the launch of a new gadget, and you got your blog ranking 1st for related search terms. You can use an affiliate platform to promote the physical gadget, being credited for the sales you recommend. This simply means you don’t have to buy any gadgets, you don’t have to set up an e-commerce store ready to sell them either, you simply refer visitors to lets say Amazon, and once they buy you get credited.
Now the hardest part is obviously learning how to set up a blog, and learning how to get it ranking for related terms. But that’s when Google Sniper comes in. Google Sniper has been a leading e-marketing course for over 4 years now, and it’s one of the most successful online courses out there. In fact, it’s probably the course that’s made the most people money online.
They’ve released a few updates ready for 2014, and if you wanted to work from home selling gadgets online, then you really should check it out.
The system works, and it really is a set and forget strategy. There’s no need to buy gadgets to sell, no need to set up an online shop, you just share your knowledge and refer people to buy through your affiliate link.
Sources: sizlopedia

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