Saturday 18 January 2014

Top 10 Basic Beauty Tips for Beautiful Skin

Women are very conscious about their skin they want to look beautiful in all fields of their life and for this purpose they always looking for beauty tips here you can find out 10   basic beauty tips for beautiful skin. To get beautiful skin is not so much difficult as we are thinking. If we follow some little tasks we get it easily. You can see 10 basic beauty tips for beautiful skin in the below:

                                 Top 10 Basic Tips

1.            Use of fruits:

Fruits are very important part of your diet you should eat fruits of every season. Fruits give many vitamins to your skin and makes its glowing, some important fruits are apple, orange, grape fruit etc.

2.            Daily exercise:

No doubt friends that exercise make us healthy it is very necessary. Exercise gives freshness to our body and face it will go to be helpful in stretching the muscles that will go to make the skin bright and clean. It gives help to remove pimples on your skin.

3.            Use of water:

Water is a god gift for us we should drink maximum water. Science and doctor says that a man should drink 8 glasses of water each day because our skin needs it very much our skin cells need dehydration that is useful for shinny and soft skin.

4.            Use sunscreens of skin:

We all know that sun rays are not good for our skins they do harmful affect on our skin we should protect our skin from sun rays by using some good moisturizing cream. You got so many sun screens cream in the market. This would be help to protect the skin sheet from sun rays.

5.            Avoid use of smoking

It is one of the best tip from 10 basic beauty tips for beautiful skin. Smoking is a worse for skin cells. It is also harmful for health it became cause of many diseases like cancer and heart attack. We should try to away ourselves from all types of drugs because they damage our skin cells.

6.            Use of vegetables:

This tip is about Vegetables and its juice are best for our skin and heath we should to try use green vegetables in our daily diet because they contain a big part of vitamins that needs our body and skin it give help to make skin glowing and beautiful.

7.            Use of moisturizing cream:

For glowing skin you should use moisturizing cream in daily routine of your life twice time it would be help to remove all dad cells of your skin.

8.            Don’t touch pimples:

If you have pimples on your skin then don’t touch them with your hands because it would be cause of allergy and skin became redness.

9.            Don’t be stressed:

Stressed do bad effect on your skin and you look like an ill man and your skin became unhealthy.

10.          Use of juices:

You should drink fresh juices in your daily diet it makes your skin fresh and bright that you want to get.

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