Thursday 30 January 2014

4 Easy Steps To Reduce The Risk Of Developing Diabetes Type 2

More and more people are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, a disease characterized by high blood sugar or glucose levels. Our body needs insulin to move sugars from our blood to the cells where those sugars are metabolized to produce energy. In type 2 diabetes our body isn’t responding to those insulin levels or produces inadequate levels to move those sugars around.

Stress, poor diet, overweight, and inadequate exercise are all possible cause to trigger diabetes type 2, and can lead to heart diseases, strokes, kidney diseases, blindness, and many other ailments. It is estimated that over 26 million Americans are affected and another 79 million are at risk of developing diabetes or pre-diabetes.

Although diabetes type 2 is associated with an older ages, more and more children or young adolescents are diagnosed with diabetes. The first signs, or the onset of diabetes type 2, is seen when blood glucose levels are rising and our body doesn’t respond properly to insulin production. This pre-diabetes condition is a strong wake-up call and should be taken seriously as it can still be reversed.

Here are 4 simple steps to reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes or reverse pre-diabetes.

1.      Physical Activity

Getting active and exercise regularly helps to build and maintain muscle mass. Muscle mass has the ability to store excess blood sugars in the form of glycogen. But that’s not the only reason why you should exercise. The more you move, the more sugar your body needs to produce energy and increases the body’s ability to respond properly to insulin. Any activity you like will do the trick, whether it is working your ass of in the gym or gardening or take a walk. Aim for 5 times 30 minutes a week or several shorter sessions.

2.      Weight Control

Diabetes type 2 is linked to overweight and obesity. Excess fat tissue decreases the ability to respond properly to insulin. Studies show that when you lose 10% of your body weight, when being obese or overweight, the chance of developing type 2 diabetes lowers by half.
Check-out my weekly guest post on for more information about type 2 diabetes and weight control: “Lose Weight And Reduce The Risk Of Diabetes Type 2″

3.      Nutrition

Not only being at a healthy weight is important here. You may be at your perfect body weight, but if you eat a lot of sugars and processed foods you are at risk of developing diabetes as well. A diet low in sugar and refined grains may reduce the risk dramatically. Opt for whole grains, they give you a stuffed feeling and take longer to digest and glucose is slowly released into your bloodstream.
Drink water instead of soda’s or other sugary drinks. Include magnesium rich foods into your daily diet, as studies found that they may lower the risk. Those include, brown rice, raw almonds, spinach, avocado, peas, okra, etc. Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits, but easy on the high-fructose fruits.

4.      Reduce Stress

Stress (emotional, physical or mental) has been linked with the risk of developing diabetes type 2 as it raises cortisol levels within our body and may cause insulin imbalances. Get your stress factors under control and make sure to get enough sleep.

Symptoms Of Diabetes Type 2

Symptoms are easy-to-miss. So if doubting or having any of those symptoms make sure to contact your doctor for medical advice and a sugar test. If detected in time, diabetes type 2 may be reversed.
  • Unexplainable thirst and increased urination. Your kidneys go in overdrive to try to filter all the excess glucose out of your body.
  • Rapid, unhealthy weight Loss. When your body loses the ability to use glucose for energy, other sources will be used. It starts to break down proteins from your muscles.
  • Constantly craving for sugars to energize.
  • Slow healing of infections, cuts, bruises, etc.
  • Yeast infections
  • Fatigue and irritability
  • Blurred vision
  • Tingling or numbness in hands and feet
Type 2 diabetes is strongly related to being overweight and physically inactive. Therefore it is often referred to as a lifestyle disease. Regular exercise, healthy eating, and losing excess body fat are the best ways to reduce the risk of developing diabetes type 2.

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